We all know this scenario. Heck, I was recently accused of being one of these people! Someone actually had the gall to say I was a user! These former friends are pretty lost in some alternative facts. But thankfully, I have exorcised my life of such dark demons.
Friends With Something You Want
Have you ever been in a situation where someone suddenly pops up in your life and is your best pal? Then after a little while they drop the subtle need that you can help with? Then, poof…they’re gone! YUP! I’ve had some recent dealings with this kind of person – and for the most part, I am ok with it. WHY???? Because I am not on this earth to play tit for tat! One of the oldest philosophies ever in religion is “turn the other cheek”. I have turned the cheek quite a bit lately and that is totally OK.
Here’s How I Deal With It (and you can too)
Let it go! It’s that simple. I am not suggesting that you become everyone’s favorite welcome mat, but simply learn who those folks are and then quietly distance yourself from them.
“But, what if they are an important part of my life, Fitz?”, you ask…
Yeah, there’s that. So, I would suggest you rate them on some kind of scale. 1-10, A-F, whatever…and the higher they rank, the more you should do to try and fix the problem. I mean, there is always the option of being frankly honest with people. You could just blurt out, “Hey…so I never hear from you unless you need something.” I totally feel like doing that right now. I have some people who are currently not responding to my messages and yet when they need something and ask me, I respond immediately! Maybe I am just a better friend to them then they are to me, huh? Sad.
So, I’ve blathered quite a bit here and I am not sure I’ve given you any info you didn’t already know. I do know that you are in charge of your own life and don’t have to take anyone’s bull.
Choices are: turn the other cheek and slowly fade away from that person or confront them – all based on whether or not they have value in your life. It kind of sounds cheap and corporate – but then again, if they are only hitting you up on Facebook when they need you – and then not answering your questions in a reasonable timeframe, why bother with them at all?
You do You.
Peace and Love, Always…