This is the meaty part of a “conversation” I was trying to have with a woman who needed to inject race into a story that had nothing to do with race. Here is the original story, which was shared on a friend’s Facebook page: Tased in the Chest for 23 Seconds, Dead for 8 Minutes, Now Facing a Lifetime of Recovery
Here is the video that I saw, which is what interested me further:
[vimeo 169710819 w=640 h=480]
Dash Cam: Police tase Bryce Masters for 23 seconds from The Intercept on Vimeo.
So, I noticed that a mutual friend, whom I respect, commented on this story. I noticed that he was being attacked for implying something he didn’t imply with words he didn’t use. The person attacking my friend was an African American woman. She had an agenda. My friend was commenting that not all cops are ‘D’ students – which is what the original poster stated when he shared this video. Here – you read them for yourself:

If you see, he replies…”typical…” As in, typically on Facebook, people who have the opposing position are often called names or vilified. Why? Because they have an opposing view. But what did she imply?

My friend legitimately thought she was messing with him. She immediately brings race into it. Now, I will admit that my comments are not seen, because I blocked her when she went bat-shit crazy on me, threatening to “expose” my racism to the world and get me blacklisted from radioland.
I jump In, to Help
I first commented, “What planet is she on?” (I will freely admit that I was being confrontational with that comment) But, it gets nasty from there. The worst I ever commented what that her anger doesn’t do anyone any good. Her response was to call me out for automatically assuming she was an angry black woman. So, there was no winning this one. She then checked out my page, discovering I worked for a radio station – which then led her to the wonderful conclusion that I am a public figure and should NEVER comment on such business.
A few lines later, I even apologized for making any assumptions. I figured, my pride isn’t all that important and if I take the high road she will do the same, it has worked before. NOPE. She used that opportunity to call me out for my weakness. That’s when she deiced that I should pay with my job: (I add it again, so you don’t have to scroll).

What is my point? I see arguments all over social media about #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter and other associated hashtags. We all know there are bad apples on both sides, but neither side will admit it. Maybe we need to use our brains for something other than creating witty memes. #UseYourGreyMatter