Positive Blatherings: The Blessing of Unanswered Prayers
I posted a status on Facebook last night while I was waiting for my son to finished golf camp. The post was about how I am grateful for the people who blew me off and couldn’t be bothered to respond to my correspondence. This post caused some folks to reach out to me thinking something was wrong. It might have been how I worded it – but I was really surprised and appreciative of the response. I went back and edited it so that it seemed less dire! But I really felt the need to express my gratitude for the idea of unanswered prayers. There is a Garth Brooks song about it and it is pretty spot on.
The concept is that what you THINK you want really bad at the time might not be right for you in the long run, so if it doesn’t happen, it is upsetting at first but when it all plays out, you’ll look back and say “ha, thank God THAT didn’t happen!” Even recently, there are people in my network who have ghosted me or never bother to respond to messages. It used to piss me off, frankly. But now I understand why it is happening. Right now it is not meant for me to work with this person. One day, perhaps that person will decide to reach out. Maybe he or she will apologize for those actions. Maybe not.
I have learned that what I thought I wanted all those times – those jobs applied to, those people I reached out to – didn’t happen because I was not supposed to go that way – that was not my path.
So I am thankful for the unanswered prayers. I would not have ROC Vox – I would not have a lot of the things I really enjoy now. There is a peace of mind that comes with this realization and I hop you can find it. When something doesn’t work out for you, try and think about the road it would have lead you down and understand that there is a different road you are supposed to be on.