Daily Blathering: Visualizing the End Goal of $250K
The power to focus one’s mind on a singular goal is essential to success. I’ve read this in so many self-help books from Napoleon Hill to Denis Waitley. If I had the power to explode someone’s head, I am not positive I would use it. ( I am also not positive I would NOT use it – so there’s that.) I am pretty sure I have an ADD-ish brain, so my thoughts switch as often as I blink, or close to it anyway. I have been focusing on the $250K that we need to raise to make Bottom Feeders. I’ve visualized friends approaching me, wishing to invest because they know I am a talented guy and I am due. I have visualized Kevin Smith himself catching wind of this movie and offering to put it out as a new View Askew production. I have visualized so many scenarios and none of them are taking shape. I know that the Universe aligns itself with one’s consistent thoughts and positive emotions (at least that is how I understand the Law of Attraction) but I think I need to focus on one scenario. We need $250K to make this film, so we can start momentum and make more films and keep making films in Rochester, NY. I want to start a mentorship program so that others can follow in our footsteps and make filmmaking accessible to anyone. Currently, if you want to make a movie the right way, you need seasoned professionals. Those people have families to feed and they don’t work for free. Some of them have helped me out and I have promised to get this momentum going so they will have more work. I need your help. I need investors. This film is going to be great.
If you want to master the process of meditation, which is key to the success of attracting what you want, you should check out this article.
UPDATE 7-7-19: We have not gotten to 250K but I will admit I have failed in my visualization exercises. We are trying to raise at least 100K now and there is about one week left as of this update. We can still make this movie even if we only reach $30K. Donate here: https://igg.me/at/bottomfeedersmovie/x/100286#/